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    Address: 9/1, R.N. Mukherjee Road, Birla Building, 5th Floor, Kolkata - 700 001, India

    Phone No: +91 33 2243 0497

    Email: birlasugar@birla-sugar.com



    A sustainable roadmap

    Our commitment to environment-social-governance (ESG) serves as the cornerstone of our business ethos. We direct our efforts towards fostering positive economic, environmental, and social impacts in the course of our business operations.

    In the environmental domain, we conscientiously manage the consumption of resources, prioritize environmental responsibility, engage in optimal resource usage, promote waste recycling, advocate for judicious fossil fuel consumption, and actively resist climate change, thereby minimizing our carbon footprint. The social aspect underscores our dedication to investing in people, fostering a vibrant corporate culture, nurturing strong relationships with vendors and customers, and embracing social responsibility.

    On the governance front, we adhere to strategic clarity, prioritize business values, uphold codes of conduct, transparently outline Board composition, and align with the principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), thereby establishing fair stakeholder expectations. The synergy of our environmental, social, and governance components provides a robust platform for secure, scalable, and sustainable long-term growth.

    • Environment
    • Social
    • Governance

    Our environmental strategy revolves around the central goal of minimizing our carbon footprint. In terms of product selection, we maintain a dedicated focus on manufacturing items that not only serve human and societal needs but also contribute positively to the environment. For example, sugar enhances taste and food preservation, while ethanol acts as a fuel additive, improving combustion and mitigating emissions. Moreover, co-generated power is utilized as a substitute for thermal power.

    To bolster our commitment, we are implementing stronger controls, emphasizing environmental management, due diligence, and disaster planning and response systems. Our company culture is increasingly shaped by an overarching commitment to structured processes, advanced systems (including information technology), rigorous audits, and stringent compliance measures.

    In our pursuit of reducing environmental impact, we pledge to decrease energy intensity and greenhouse gas emissions. This involves a shift towards cleaner processes and fuels. Our ambitious targets include achieving zero waste to landfills and zero effluent discharge, along with moderation in water consumption and groundwater drawal intensity.

    To further strengthen our environmental responsibility, proactive investments have been made in infrastructure, equipment, human resources, and sustainable practices. These strategic investments underscore our dedication to fostering a greener and more responsible operational footprint.

    Our commitment to generating renewable energy through a co- generation plant plays a pivotal role in reducing carbon footprints. Additionally, our ethanol production not only serves as an eco-friendly industrial alcohol but also contributes to the preservation of fossil fuels, ensuring a sustainable energy future.


    Our workforce

    We highly value our employees as our most crucial asset and are dedicated to establishing a positive work environment that fosters both their personal and professional growth.

    We encourage employees to embrace a growth mindset, fostering belief in their ability to develop new skills, tackle challenges, and learn from failures. This commitment to a growth mindset cultivates a workplace culture characterized by continuous learning, resilience, and adaptability.

    Recognizing that learning and development are pivotal differentiators for our company, we understand the importance of enhancing employee skills to respond to evolving trends and opportunities in workplaces and businesses. Our comprehensive learning and development approaches aim to equip our workforce with the necessary skills.

    We firmly believe that motivated employees are fundamental to the organization’s success. To strengthen the bond between employees and the company, we conduct regular engagement programs. Our prime focus remains on understanding the engagement status and initiating need-based actions to enhance employee engagement continually.

    The well-being of our team members is of utmost importance to us, and we adhere to stringent safety practices. Our commitment extends to creating a productive and health-promoting workplace, fostering employee well-being, and thereby improving overall performance and productivity.

    Our farmer partners

    At the core of our business lies the fundamental ability to mobilize an abundant supply of premium-quality cane in a sustainable manner.

    This foundation encompasses our capacity to efficiently gather a sufficient quantity of high-quality cane within the shortest post-harvest timeframe, aiming to maximize capacity utilization and effectively amortize fixed costs. Achieving this goal in a sustainable manner is made possible through our structured cane development approach. 

    Our roots are deeply entwined with the farming communities in our command areas. We proudly maintain associations with approximately 2.80 lakh dedicated farmers, a significant number of whom have stood as steadfast partners for over a decade, forming the bedrock of enduring relationships.

    To strengthen our ties with farmers, we conduct periodic visits and provide assistance, resulting in a remarkable track record where all our farmers have remained associated with our Company for more than ten years, ensuring a high level of confidence in sustained cane availability.

    The strategic location of our command areas, in close proximity to our manufacturing units, facilitates quick logistical access and short cut-to-crush times, ultimately enhancing recovery.

    Our proactive approach in replacing our previous cane variety serves a dual purpose: it mitigates the risk of crop diseases and simultaneously boosts yields, ensuring a more robust and resilient cultivation strategy.

    Our advocacy for mechanized farming is poised to elevate cane quality and yields, contributing to the overall efficiency of the farming process. Embracing digital technologies, we have implemented precise farm measurement tools within our command areas, enhancing both precision and speed in our agricultural operations.

    Furthermore, we actively advise farmers on proven modern agricultural practices, with the primary objective of enhancing farm productivity and fostering sustainable agricultural practices. This collaborative approach underscores our commitment to supporting and empowering the farming communities integral to our operations.


    Our governance platform serves as a beacon, providing clarity on how we conduct business, attracting like-minded stakeholders who share our values and principles. 

    The strategic direction of our company is shaped by a distinguished Board of Directors, comprising experienced professionals and industrialists. Upholding integrity is fundamental to our ethos, fostering trust among customers, employees, vendors, investors, bankers, and communities alike. Our long-term investments in locations, assets, technologies, people, products, and trade partners are guided by considerations of character and competence.

    Our growth is characterized by a process-driven approach, combining a long-term perspective with professionalized day-to-day management. This ensures scalability while maintaining checks and balances. Our audit-driven and compliance-focused approach enhances trust in our financials, validating our conservative accounting interpretations and reinforcing our commitment to transparency and accountability.