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    Address: 9/1, R.N. Mukherjee Road, Birla Building, 5th Floor, Kolkata - 700 001, India

    Phone No: +91 33 2243 0497

    Email: birlasugar@birla-sugar.com

    Our Leadership

    Our culture embodies honest, caring, ethical values, and accountability. We recognize that robust governance throughout our company is crucial for enhancing stakeholder trust. Our experienced board of directors and leadership team drive strong governance processes, frameworks, and structures to sustain our journey for sustainable value creation.

    Company's Board Of Directors

    Mrs. Nandini Nopany
    Mr. Chandra Shekhar Nopany
    Mr. Anand Ashvin Dalal
    Independent Director
    Mr. Gaurav Swarup
    Independent Director
    Mr. Pradip Kumar Bishnoi
    Independent Director
    Mr. Kalpataru Tripathy
    Independent Director
    Mrs. Kausalya Madhavan
    Independent Director
    Mr. Amit Dalal
    Mr. Devendra Kumar Sharma
    Wholetime Director